If foreclosure is looming over you like a black cloud on a sunny day, don’t ignore the rain. Open the letters your lender is sending you and see where you are at in the process. Make sure you find your mortgage documents and read them thoroughly to know what to expect when you don’t make … Continued
About forty to fifty percent of marriages ended in divorce last year, and the rate is even higher for any marriages after the original. Also, the odds are pretty high, if you’re reading this, you’re likely another homeowner pursuing divorce, and you are wondering what happens when Twin Cities Property Owners Divorce. Who Keeps The … Continued
Almost everyone experiences rough patches during life. As a property owner, having financial difficulties may mean losing the biggest investment of your life: your home. Inability to pay mortgage and insurance brings on worried thoughts about looming foreclosure threats coming up in the future. Do you know which is better for your house in … Continued
If you happen to be selling a Twin Cities property in probate, there are details you need to explore. Here’s some information you should be aware of about selling probate property. What Is Probate? If a property is not in a trust or owned with another person who has full legal rights of survivorship, when … Continued
Selling a rundown property in Minneapolis may feel impossible. You may be thinking to yourself, ‘who is going to want a property that needs so much work?” With these tips, you will be able to make the process easier, faster, and more profitable! Keep reading to learn more about how to sell a rundown house … Continued
Selling your rental property may feel like a challenge. With tenants living in the home, it can be even more difficult. Utilize these tips for selling a rental property in our latest post! As a landlord in Minneapolis, there may come a time when you need to sell your rental property. While waiting until your … Continued
Selling your vacant land in Minneapolis may be more profitable and lucrative than just holding onto it, waiting for it to appreciate. While land doesn’t cost much to own, it may not gain value as quickly as you would like it to. In our latest post, we offer tips on how to sell your Minneapolis … Continued
Selling a mobile home in the Twin Cities can take some work. It often requires a different strategy to sell a mobile home than wbat you would use when selling a house. The tips in this blog-post can make the process of selling your mobile home easier and more profitable! While the demand for … Continued
Should you work with an iBuyer in the Twin Cities? Many people are considering this option when trying to sell their house fast. Learn more about what they do and what to expect from the process in our latest post! iBuyers are becoming an increasingly popular alternative to listing with a Twin Cities real estate … Continued
One question we are hearing more often asks, “what is an iBuyer?” There are many things to be aware This blog post gives you all of the information you need to determine if you should work with a Twin Cities iBuyer. iBuyers are the latest trend in the real estate world. Their services allow you … Continued
Have you thought about selling your house to an iBuyer? Before you do, it is important to know how they work and what they can offer. Below, is a quick rundown of what to expect when selling your house to an iBuyer in Minneapolis! If you have been thinking about selling a house in Minneapolis, … Continued
Are you thinking about selling to an iBuyer in Minneapolis? Learn why the process can be risky and the alternatives in our latest post! The rise of iBuyers is having a dramatic effect on the real estate market. While the convenience can be appealing, there are easier ways without the costly extra charges and fees. … Continued